Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 7 • Oct 14-16

Conferences Mon. night. Short week - MEA, No school Thurs & Fri.

Monday - Finish Cyberbully movie and discussions about bullying. Start Anti-Bully Poster
Tuesday - Mrs. Weers will be your sub in the class (I will be gone to a workshop). Finish working on Cyberbully poster.
Wednesday - Start Unsolved Mystery Presentation. Students will work as a team to create a presentation that states the facts, theories and opinions about an unsolved mystery. Students will present their findings to the class upon completion.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Week 6 • Oct 7-11

Conferences this week Thurs. and Fri. Early out on Thursday and no class on Friday. 

This week:
Keyboarding daily.
Google Spreadsheet/Battleship. We will spend time Monday finishing the Battleship games and getting conference folders ready. I will be sending a letter home today regarding the Cyber Safety unit and movie we will be previewing in class this week.
Tues-Wed: Cybersafety- We will be watching the ABC Family Movie "Cyberbully". We will use this movie as a source for discussion on how to handle situations that may arise and provide education on how to use technology safely.

Description: "Teen girl Taylor Hillridge gets a a laptop for her birthday and signs up on a social networking site. She starts to feel alone as her friends ostracize her and she falls victim to cyberbullying." 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Week 5 • Sept 30-Oct 4

Fun and busy week, but learning goes on!
Keyboarding -10-15 min daily. I'm seeing daily improvements.
Google Spreadsheets -  We are currently using Google Spreadsheets (Similar to Excel) to create and compete in a a game of Battleship. Students are learning the basics and navigation of spreadsheet software. (And they are having FUN!)
COMING UP- Cyber Safety. Please look for an informational letter later this week. I encourage you to have family discussions on this topic at home. Ask your students what social networks they belong to. Ask them if they know of any issues that happen either in our out of school. What are your child's concerns? My intent in this unit is to open the door to discussions and provide information. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this topic.

Next week- Conferences!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 3 • Sept 16-20

What a great first 2 weeks we have had. Everyone is catching on to the computer systems and our routine nicely! This week:
• - We will start keyboarding practice on a daily basis this week. Our focus is on learning proper finger placement and learning to type without looking at the keys. Speed and accuracy will come with practice.
• Microsoft Word - Drawing Tools. Students will be working on learning the drawing tools by using them to design a drawing of their "Dream Classroom". Tentative due date will be Thursday.
(Coming up: Excel and basic spreadsheets.)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 2 • Sept 9-13

This week we will be working on a project in Microsoft Word and Google Docs. Students will learn basic layout skills for each and be able to compare their similarities and differences.

We will also learn about keyboarding techniques and start using

FRIDAY is Otter Pride Night. Don't forget to wear Maroon and Gold on Fri!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 1 - Sept 3-Sept 6

Welcome to Word Processing 7:
In Word Processing we will learn about Microsoft Office and Google Docs.
This week we will spend time setting up our computer systems with shortcuts and making folders to organize our work. We will also start using Microsoft Word to create a research project about an animal.
We will also spend a little time each day practicing our keyboarding skills.